Proof of concept funding

Pre-announcement: REWIRE open proof of concept call

REWIRE is delighted to announce our first open funding opportunity, focusing on proof of concept projects for power semiconductor innovation.

We are leveraging our £2 million flexible funding pot to award impactful projects that will seek to:

  • Advance technology and innovation in the UK wide band gap power semiconductor industry
  • Deliver real-world impact, knowledge exchange, and the development of practical solutions with industry partners
  • Widen the REWIRE network, bringing in new partners and making connections within the UK semiconductor industry
  • Support early career researcher development and start-ups/small companies working across power semiconductors and power electronics
  • Catalyse additional leverage from partners, with the potential for follow-on funds from other sources

This is a pre-announcement, and details may change. Further information, including detailed call guidance and documentation, will become available on this page in due course.

If you have initial ideas for potential proof of concept projects that you believe could benefit from funding, we encourage you to get in touch with the REWIRE team to discuss them in greater detail.